A good night’s sleep should be an everyday occurrence, not an infrequent luxury. Advised by sleep, health and beauty experts, we have designed and curated a wonderful array of tools to help you get the sleep you deserve.
Our dream is to give you permission to love sleep, and the knowledge and tools you need to create an effective personal sleep ritual. Establish a great relationship with sleep, and reap all the benefits that flow from it, with products from The Goodnight Co. Why make sleep a priority?
1. Health
Sleep is as important as food and exercise for your overall wellness – it is the cornerstone of a happy and healthy body and mind.
A good night’s sleep can help you wake up feeling refreshed and energised, and more willing to exercise and make the most of every day. Adversely, lack of sleep can leave you feeling sluggish, and even suppress your immune system, making you vulnerable to infections and diseases.
2. Beauty
Beauty sleep isn’t just for fairy-tales – a peaceful night’s rest can actually make you look healthier and more attractive.
Our silk products are specifically designed with beauty benefits in mind. Silk is great for your hair and skin, and for combatting allergies. Find out more about benefits of sleeping with silk below.
3. Sex
Sleep and sex go hand in hand. More sleep equals more energy; more energy can help to increase your sex drive. And the more sex you have, the better you will sleep – as sex releases a hormone called prolactin, which can leave you feeling relaxed. It’s a win-win.
4. Optimum Weight
A good night’s sleep can be just as important as sweating it out at the gym. A lack of sleep can drastically slow down your metabolism, and as a result, cause you to gain weight.
What’s more, feeling tired throughout the day can lead you to make unhealthy decisions, like craving sugar hits.
5. Productivity
A bad night's sleep can leave you feeling tired and struggling to concentrate during the day. A good night's sleep equips your brain to assess a new day and challenges afresh.
6. Happiness
For many people, the pursuit of happiness could simply mean getting more or better quality sleep.
A lack of sleep can make you irritable, stressed and unable to concentrate. Shockingly, sleep deprivation can also increase your risk of depression. We need sleep for optimum health and happiness.