
Help your little ones create a lifetime of healthy sleep habits. For children, it's important to make sure they have a consistent routine before bed to help their body & mind prepare to wind down before bed. Good sleep for children - the kind where you rest deeply and can settle yourself if you wake - is actually a learned behaviour, meaning we need to teach our kids how to sleep before expecting them to do it well - check out some of our sleep tips for children here. Along with our range of natural sleep aids for children, kids sleep meditation that can assist when building your child’s sleep routine. You can read all about kids sleep meditation here.

Poor, restless sleep can lead to bad habits

Our natural range helps little bodies and minds wind down

Nurture restful, self-supported sleep in your kids

Natural support from first light to light's out

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Create refreshed mornings, calm days & great nights

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SAVE $10

Create your perfect sleep sanctuary

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Create your perfect sleep sanctuary

Soothe your senses for restful sleep

Support a deep, healing sleep

Create refreshed mornings, calm days & great nights

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Your on-the-go aromatherapy support

Give your child their best night’s sleep ever
Put those sleepless night to rest

The Mind Time Kit has everything
you need to help put your little ones to sleep.


Help your little ones create a lifetime of healthy sleep habits. For children, it's important to make sure they have a consistent routine before bed to help their body & mind prepare to wind down before bed. Good sleep for children - the kind where you rest deeply and can settle yourself if you wake - is actually a learned behaviour, meaning we need to teach our kids how to sleep before expecting them to do it well - check out some of our sleep tips for children here. Along with our range of natural sleep aids for children, kids sleep meditation that can assist when building your child’s sleep routine. You can read all about kids sleep meditation here.