Benefits of a Good Night Sleep

It’s the year of sleep! Yep, it is and we’re in our pajamas’ ready. We’ve always valued the need for sleep, the need to swith off, rejuvenate to deal with the hectic journey or our busy lifestyles. The Goodnight Co. was dreamed up because of our love of sleep and now we’re taking the idea global and getting into bed with Arianna Huffington to ‘Sleep our way to the top’ and join the #sleeprevolution.

In 1942, only 11% of us were getting by on less than six hours of sleep per night. Today, 40% of us get less than six hours.”

Sleep allows us to connect with a deeper part of ourselves. Because when we’re asleep, all the things that define our identity when we’re awake — our jobs, our relationships, our hopes, our emotions — are quieted. And this makes possible one of the least-discussed benefits of sleep — a small miracle really — and that’s the way it allows us, once we return from our night’s journey, to see the world anew with fresh eyes and a reinvigorated spirit — to step out of time and come back to our lives restored.”

Get in bed and join us on the #sleeprevolution. Stay tuned and follow our dreams #thegoodnightco 

Tags: Wellness